Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Guy Behind the Blog

I'm kind of really excited for this new link-up that Betsy came up with. 
I didn't think I could get my hubby to do it, but somehow he agreed. (I secretly think he'd do just about anything for me.)

1// have you ever had a blog, or have you ever considered starting one?, not really. No.

2// if you could be a member of any band, which one would it be?
(this one involved a lot of thought people...)
Def Leppard.

3// valentine's day is on the horizon...are you the date-planner type or do you fly by on the seat of your pants? do you have anything planned for february 14th this year?
I just kinda let it happen. I mean, we haven't really been able to just plan out dates for a while. (He's talking because of our finances.) Nope. Nothing planned.

4// tell us about a date-night gone wrong.
Alright you guys, he seriously couldn't think of one. We both are the random dates, not planned ones type, so things don't usually go "wrong". However, I know one, but this is his post so maybe I'll share later.

5//and let's cover all the topics...sports...who are you rooting for in the superbowl and why?
Patriots, because I don't like the Packers. (I then told him that logic is wonderful, considering the Packers aren't even in the Super Bowl.) Oh really? Right, it's the Seahawks. Still the Patriots.

In case you missed it, I recapped my January goals earlier today as well. Read about it here


  1. Haha....I love his answer to #5! So funny...I'm rooting for the Pats too!

  2. Haha he seriously had no idea. ;) Yay Patriots! (Not our favorite team...but we weren't willing to root for the Seahawks.)

  3. I love his answer about the Packers, the best! That's who I was "rooting" for when I watched, so I'm glad they won but I'm more of a college football fan myself.


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