Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Welcome 2015!

I've already posted my 2014 Year in Review, but what I've been slacking on so far is posting my "New Years Resolutions - 2015". Being that there's only a few short hours left of the year, I should do that.

This year, I've decided to join in with many other people and choose one word to focus on, instead of a bunch of resolutions I'll never stick to past January 2nd. Then I'll just continue making my monthly goals and checking them off 12 times a year.

My word I've chosen is intentional. I want to be intentional in the things I do:
-my teaching
-my faith in Jesus
-my work
-my relationships
-my therapy
-my monthly goals
-my free time
-my blog

There's too many times in my every day life that I just say "eh". 2015 is my year to change that.

I'll start thinking about my January goals so I can recap my December goals and post (hopefully) tomorrow.

Have a fun New Years and be safe! ♡

1 comment:

  1. Jayme! I'm SO GLAD we're gonna be reading through the Bible together this year :) :) :) have you found a plan yet?
